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Looking for a german...
Franzisca, I was so happy to find you site. I was...
Linda (guest) - 23. Feb, 09:52
Franziska's Kitchen has moved! Go >>>>here
franziska_in_kanada - 8. Aug, 08:57
Excellent! très bon. merci pour la recette de muffins...
Nathalie (guest) - 16. May, 11:14
This is my own creation, looking over my baking...
bauernkueche - 4. Dec, 11:52
Ganz einverstanden....
Ganz einverstanden. Für jedes Rezept gibt es eine...
Fleur de sel - 17. Nov, 07:36

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Who is "Franziska"

I am a blogaholic, but this is my first and only blog in english. And sometimes I struggle to find the right words, so please be lenient with me...

2005_04_23portraitfranziI was born inthe german-speaking part of Switzerland, and I am married to a farmer. We have two grown-up sons. When they were little kids, we left our country and immigrated to Canada, to «La belle Province», Quebec. We have a dairy farm, and I love gardening, cooking, knitting, spinning... but also writing (mostly in german) and music. Some years ago I discovered digital photography and started to post pictures on flickr. I started my personal blog in 2003, and soon began to post recipes. After a while I began an special cookblog, Bauernküche which means "Farmer Kitchen". As I posted the food pictures also on flickr, people sometimes asked me for the recipes in english. Thats why I started this blog.
So come in and enjoy!
herold - 6. Nov, 07:36

vermissen Sie nicht den "appenzeller"? (gemeint ist der käse)

franziska_in_kanada - 6. Nov, 07:39


Oh, den kann ich hier kaufen!!
herold - 6. Nov, 07:41

nun denn - grüßen Sie mir den Indian Summer (der wahrscheinlich bereits vorüber ist) und guten appetit!
franziska_in_kanada - 6. Nov, 07:53

Der ist tatsächlich vorüber, aber ich kann ihn ja nächstes Jahr grüssen, wenn er wieder kommt.
Un jetzt geh ich zum Kühlschrank und hol mir ein Stück Käse. Sie haben mir Appetit gemacht mit Ihrem Appenzeller.
herold - 6. Nov, 07:54

gut so - käse schließt (angeblich) den magen!
Linda (guest) - 23. Feb, 09:52

Looking for a german recipe


I was so happy to find you site. I was speaking with my mother (83) just this morning about some german dishes that she makes. She was telling me about a pumpkin tart her mother use to make that was so good, she said it was call Perchinte, I'm sounding this out as I do not know the correct spelling. Have you heard of this? She said she would roll the dough out, place the pumkin on the dough and then fold it in half. I hope you'll know what I'm looking for.

My other stuff


- my kitchen in german
- my personal blog in geman

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Online for 7069 days
Last update: 23. Feb, 09:52


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pies and tarts
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